Profile Customization

Modified on Wed, 15 Jun 2022 at 04:01 PM

Your Profile gives you access to a variety of personal preferences. Here you can change your account information, subscription.

Profile Menu

To access Profile Menu click on your avatar image in the top right corner

In the menu you will be able to

1. View your profile

2. Send an invite: This allows you to send an email invitation to a colleague or a friend to create an account in Trax.

3. Select your preferred language

4. Switch between light and Dark mode.

5. Sign out

Updating Profile Information

Users can further edit their profile and personal details through the

profile page.

1. Update your profile picture

2. Edit your personal information including your name,

company and bio.

3. Reset your password

4. Change your email

5. Update your privacy preferences.

6. Delete your account.

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